North Dakota and Dakota Gasification
A Local Employer
As the cleanest energy plant operating in North Dakota, Dakota Gasification Company’s Great Plains Synfuels Plant is a leading manufacturer, employer and community partner. The $2.1 billion plant began operating in 1984 and since that time the company has invested another $665 million to incorporate new, innovative technologies to enhance production, improve safety, and reduce impacts to the environment. As a leading employer in Mercer County, the facility staffs more than 700 employees. Linked by design, Dakota Gas supports its parent company, Basin Electric, through shared facilities, fuel and dividends.
A Trusted Corporate Citizen
Dakota Gasification Company has helped support community improvement programs through a variety of local engagement programs, charitable investments and partnerships. The company has supported the expansion of the Sakakawea Medical Center in Hazen, North Dakota, with a pledge of $250,000 over five years, together with its parent company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative. Dakota Gas is a founding partner of the Energy Capital Cooperative Child Care, incorporated in 2016, which has the capacity to serve 77 children in an area facing a critical need for flexible, high-quality childcare options. Dakota Gas supports local first responders through donations of money and equipment, offers the opportunity for scholarships to dependents of employees, and conducts education and tours for thousands of local school children annually and tour groups from around the world.
A Commitment to Safety and Environmental Stewardship
Dakota Gasification is a strong steward of the environment. For more than 30 years, the company has helped clean up coal through gasification that produces the cleanest fossil fuel available in the marketplace. Dakota Gas captures carbon dioxide produced at the plant and sells it to customers for enhanced oil recovery, drawing worldwide attention. At a rate of about two million metric tons per year, the plant has captured and delivered more than 35 million metric tons of carbon dioxide since 2000. As a producer of products that help grow our agricultural community, Dakota Gas supports efforts to use the right fertilizer source at the right rate at the right time with the right placement. This innovative and science-based approach offers enhanced environmental protection, increased production, increased farmer profitability, and improved sustainability.